Red Naomi! - Red roses - REGULAR
The beautiful Red Naomi roses, an intense full red color. Lightly fragrant, this is the most widely grown red rose in the Netherlands. We deliver...
Fresh pink rose petals are ideal for scattering on the floor during a wedding when the couple leaves the town hall or church. There are more than 400 leaves in a container that give off a wonderful scent.
“We werken zonder voorraad, dus zijn onze rozen altijd vers. De meeste kwekers zitten in een straal van 10-15 km om ons heen, dus hebben we verse rozen altijd onder handbereik.”
With pink rose petals you create a romantic atmosphere at any time. The color pink symbolizes tenderness and joy. For example, you can sprinkle these fresh pink rose petals on the table during a dinner or party. Tip: combine pink rose petals with another color for a beautiful effect. The pink rose petals are delivered fresh and give off a wonderful scent! For this color we usually use the 'Pink Avalanche' roses.
There is a liter in a bag, which is more than 400 leaves. That is more than enough to sprinkle 5+ hands. You can keep the pink rose petals in the refrigerator for several days.
In addition to pink rose petals, we also have other colors of rose petals :