Vendela - Rainbow roses - 1 piece
The Rainbow roses get their special colors through a secret process that only a few people know how it is done. The rainbow rose also symbolizes...
“We werken zonder voorraad, dus zijn onze rozen altijd vers. De meeste kwekers zitten in een straal van 10-15 km om ons heen, dus hebben we verse rozen altijd onder handbereik.”
That is of course very cool between those beautiful red roses, (or another color of course) white gypsophila. For a long time it was a product that was not looked after, but now it is completely back. We process the branches nicely through the rose bouquet. Our gyps is of the best quality and therefore comes standard from Ecuador.
Das ist natürlich sehr cool zwischen diesen wunderschönen roten Rosen, weißen Gypsophila. Lange Zeit war es ein Produkt, das nicht angeschaut wurde, aber jetzt ist es wieder da. Die Zweige verarbeiten wir schön durch den Rosenstrauß.
That is of course very cool between those beautiful red roses, white gypsophila. For a long time it was a product that was not looked at, but now it is back again. We process the branches nicely through the rose bouquet.