Rosary 65cm
Rosary made entirely of roses. In red but can of course be in any color.
- 9 dagen versgarantie
- Vóór 11 uur besteld, binnen 2 dagen in huis
- Iedere dag vers van kwekers uit de buurt
Must-have accessories

“We werken zonder voorraad, dus zijn onze rozen altijd vers. De meeste kwekers zitten in een straal van 10-15 km om ons heen, dus hebben we verse rozen altijd onder handbereik.”
This wreath is made with our Regular selection roses, so not with "old" roses or with B-class, which unfortunately is used quite a bit by the various makers of mourning flowers. We do use the ripeness classification 3-4, which means as much as a slightly more developed rose. Especially beautiful for this kind of work because it is a beautiful full rose, shines in its full glory during the funeral or cremation.